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Ken Eyster

1929 - 2009

Tribute to a Great Man

This man, my uncle was a true artist.
Not necessarily by pen, ink, or canvas.
He did dabble with paint in younger years.
A few pictures he painted, I still have near.

Some beautiful photographs could be shown too.
That’s not what made him the true artist through and through.
This man was an artist of life.
A TRUE artist who everyone would like.

This man gained world renown,
Not by computer, but by word of mouth he was found.
A successful gunsmith was he.
All his guns are works of artistry.

Yes, others added their talents too.
However, it was up to uncle Ken to see it through.
But beyond the business he built from scratch,
As a student of learning, He had no match.
He could talk on any subject about anything.
He loved learning and the wisdom it would bring.

Your interests he’d learn so he could talk intelligently,
Putting you at ease, his interest was real as you would see.
A man who looked at life for the grace and beauty there in,
A Godly man who tried to live free of sin.

A life he shared with his wife who encouraged his drive,
You know how he felt as he looked at her with love, pride,
Soft spoken, gentle, quick, wit, intelligent,
Everyone who ever met him felt honored to know this gent.
Husband, father, brother, uncle and more,
this man will truly be missed for sure.

Ellen Eyster Staats